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Can your dashboarding tool keep up with your data?

What sets R Shiny apart from the out-of-the-box tools and how to get your R Shiny dashboard off the ground.

Online Seminar

Dates TBC


About this event

R Shiny dashboards are a game-changer for targeted, effective communication of everything from simple research and sampling outputs to highly dynamic and complex datasets. In this seminar we will explore what sets R Shiny apart from out-of-the-box tools like Power BI, Qlik or Tableau, when you should consider it and what’s required to get your R Shiny dashboard off the ground.


The online seminar will run for 45 minutes. We are offering two time slots to accommodate different time zones.

New Zealand Edition
10 – 10.45am NZ time

Global Edition
11 – 11.45am Los Angeles (PDT)
2 – 2.45pm Toronto (EDT)
7 – 7.45pm London (BST)

Speaker biography

Dr Uli Muellner is Epi-interactive’s Director (IT & Information Design). Uli lives and breathes dashboards and has been leading the company’s data visualisation and user interface work over the last decade.  After various leadership roles in IT and online learning he co-founded Epi-interactive and built up the company to where it is today. As an advocate of open source technology, he has been the driving force behind the company’s innovative and user-centric approaches and methods.

Epi-interactive's interdisciplinary team connects data, science and people to support a network of global clients, many of them leaders in their respective fields. Anchored by our passion to improve human, animal and environmental health, we make data and research more accessible and link complex analytics with practical decisions. We are known for our custom-designed dashboards using open-source technologies and building highly effective data and analytics infrastructures. Through our partnership with RStudio we also help teams and organisations by building up highly effective data science infrastructures and engage globally within a network of interdisciplinary expertise.